25 years of coaching global business leaders

Top Team and
Board Performance

Together at the Top for a bigger Bottom Line

In today’s uncertain world, only the highest standards of visionary and strategic leadership and governance are good enough. It is more than ever essential that the top teams that drive your businesses prepare for the challenge in a careful and systematic way.

Your senior team includes some excellent individuals, but do they work as a team together? Busy senior people have little time to sit down and talk with each other. Critical business decisions are often reached in an atmosphere of uncertainty, egocentric politics and mutual mistrust.

Yet, most top executives want to work well as a team and in a healthy culture. But they need a little extra help to ‘create the mood’. That’s where our experienced coaches come in. I.J. Martin & Co helps senior executives to effectively work together for the benefit of a sustainable business bottom line.

Assessing the Top Team

Assessing the leadership skills of a senior individual is always a value-adding exercise. Doing the same simultaneously for all top team members in a joint project evaluates everyone on a consistent basis and showcases your collective assets inside and out to take the business forward. Read about top team assessment.

Finding the right Fit for Top Performance

Following the top team assessment by one of our seasoned coaches and armed with deep awareness of individual and combined leadership strengths, the Board and Nominations Committee, in alliance with the CEO, can identify the best-fit roles for each Executive Board member and build a high-performing leadership team to take the business forward.

Aligning the Leadership Team

Top leaders often have divergent views. The CEO can always impose a decision but usually at the expense of winning universal buy-in from key people. Our facilitation process seeks individual views on the team dynamic in total privacy, then brings them all together to debate the themes, arrive at an outcome acceptable to all and create alignment and an action plan for moving forward.

Resolving Conflict

Leaders are still human, and harmony can be hard to achieve. When all else fails, our experienced coach brings individuals and teams together to facilitate mediation and arrive at an effective conflict-resolution solution.

Facilitating Vision and Strategy Offsites

Ideas excite people, not numbers. Yet most leaders try to drive success with only a dull numbers-based strategy. Successful top teams build a powerful vision and complementary strategy that excite and unite, in short offsite meetings facilitated by our experienced team.

Call now on +41 44 260 16 00

for a private, no-commitment discussion.

If you prefer, email us at welcome@ijmartin.com or use our contact form.

Our services

Senior leadership development - global, personalised, practical, performance driven

1-1 Executive Coaching and Mentoring

  • Achieve sustainable business success through purposeful and visionary leadership
  • Develop bigger, bolder transformational strategies through challenging discussions
  • Prepare leaders to get to the C-Suite and the CEO Hot Seat
  • Effectively onboard new executives
  • Win fast-track global business experience

Leadership Assessment and 360° Feedbac​k

  • Secure the right leaders in the right jobs, for today and tomorrow
  • Build an in-depth talent pipeline and succession plan
  • Identify leadership skills and development gaps through probing and direct 360° Feedback as a basis for our coaching, talent development, retention and rotation

Top Team and Board Performance​

  • Build high-performing boards and leadership teams through review, appraisal and structuring
  • Develop a powerful vision and dynamic strategy with our facilitated offsites
  • Align the top team with mediation and conflict resolution processes

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